Discover a world of color, movement, and good vibes in my exuberant oil paintings. A painting that speaks to your heart can elevate your mood, your home, and your life. Let me help you find the perfect statement piece for your walls.


I can bring joy, meaning and luxury to your home and office

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I am so happy to have you here. Welcome to a look inside my studio, my heart, and my life. I have paint on MOST of my clothes and ALL of my pajamas. I paint to connect to something greater than myself and to connect to you. I truly believe I can make this world a better place through color and paint.

“ Sophisticated compositional brushwork and color concepts breathe deeply in Julie Hamilton‘s paintings. These canvases are remarkable for their energy and movement, and assert themselves with authority in our post modern world.” - Helen Frederick.

Helen Frederick is recognized as an artist, curator, educator, coordinator of international projects, and as founder of Pyramid Atlantic.